Lila Pesa

Lila began her journey with breathwork and depth psychology in her late teens and early 20th, experiencing different types of breathwork approaches and various psychotherapies. When moved to Australia in 2002, Lila found Holotropic Breathwork becoming a “practice of choice” as well as her community and her passion. She started attending Holotropic Breathwork sessions, retreats and modules with Grof Transpersonal Training in 2005/2006.

Lila was participating and apprenticing in training modules in many countries around the world, and got certified with GTT in 2009, when she also completed her counselling studies and became a registered counsellor and transpersonal psychotherapist (member of Australian Counselling Assossiation since beginning of 2010).

Lila has a private practice “Integral Emotional Health” in Sydney’s Lower North Shore and also works for an independent health promotion charity – Hepatitis NSW, where she is running a specialised counselling service “Let’s Talk”, providing counselling support to individuals and families affected by viral hepatitis.

Lila is committed to her personal and professional development.

In her own words: ” I feel deeply grateful for my, at times challenging path, that took me on this “journey of self-discovery”, and led me to experience my ‘lows’ and my ‘highs’, feeling truly loving and being loved and supported by so many incredible people around the world. I am grateful to my special teachers, my beautiful family and friends, my wonderfully supportive peers and colleagues, and to my clients who also teach me so much about being human.”

Lila Pesa

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