What is Holotropic Breathwork?

Holotropic Breathwork™ is a method of self-exploration and personal transformation developed by psychiatrist Dr. Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof. It is designed to activate the psyche through a combination of deep, rapid breathing, evocative music, and focused bodywork to access non-ordinary states of consciousness. The practice is conducted in a supportive setting with the guidance of trained facilitators.

This approach has been associated with various potential benefits, including the healing of emotional and physical trauma, reduction of anxiety and stress, alleviation of depressive symptoms, enhanced emotional expression, and creative inspiration. Many participants also report a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and authenticity in their lives.

Holotropic Breathwork is grounded in over 45 years of clinical research and observation by Dr. Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology alongside Abraham Maslow and Anthony Sutich. Dr. Grof has held significant positions in research, therapy, and education in both Europe and the United States. He has authored numerous books, such as The Holotropic Mind, Psychology of the Future, Beyond the Brain, and The Cosmic Game, as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles.

What is Holotropic Breathwork?

What is Holotropic Breathwork?

Holotropic Breathwork™ is an exceptionally powerful, natural method of self-exploration and personal transformation. Developed by psychiatrist Dr. Sta...

What is Transpersonal Psychology?

What is Transpersonal Psychology?

Holotropic Breathwork™ is an exceptionally powerful, natural method of self-exploration and personal transformation. Developed by psychiatrist Dr. Sta...

About Melbourne Breathwork

About Melbourne Breathwork

Melbourne Breathwork is a small team of facilitators dedicated to working with non-ordinary states of consciousness with breath and music via the lens...

Holotropic Breathwork and the power of non-ordinary states

Holotropic Breathwork and the power of non-ordinary states

Holotropic breathwork is based on the principle that our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being is closely connected to our breath. By...

What is Spiritual Emergency?

What is Spiritual Emergency?

Spiritual emergency refers to a situation in which a person experiences intense and profound changes in their spiritual beliefs, values, and practices...

Christina Grof - thirst for wholeness

Christina Grof - thirst for wholeness

One of Grof's major contributions to transpersonal psychology was the development of the Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN), which she co-founded with...

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