Mens Group: Death, Rebirth & Transformation

Exploring Stan Grof's cartography of the psyche through breathwork, community and deep listening.

4 dates in 2022 April 9th, May 21, June 18 & July 16th /  14 Spot available

    Join us for this Men's Group special series of 4 workshops where we explore Stan Grof's cartography of the psyche and dive deep into the power of the death, rebirth cycle. 

    Via the power of breathwork, groupwork, active listening and other relational exercises we will build a container that will allow us to open to the power and potential of making personal change while staying in contact with community.

    Note: Depending on government requirements at the time we may need to also check vaccination status for the event. .

    Event Details

    There are 4 required dates for this workshop series. Each participant must commit to attending each of the sessions in order to attend.

    • Location: 85 Gillies St, Fairfield Australia, 3078
    • Price: $395 full / $360 Concession (Four sessions)
    • Participants: The group will be limited to 14 participants. 
    • 14 Spot available

    Session Dates

    • Session 1: Apr 09, 2022 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
    • Session 2: May 21, 2022 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
    • Session 3: June 18, 2022 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM 
    • Session 4: July 16th, 2022 - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM




    Event Program

    The workshop series will run over a period of 4 months with the same cohort of participants. We will follow a format that allows for the exploration of the theme of death, rebirth and transformation via the head, heart and spirit (breath).


    Each session will include a small amount of material that explores the themes of Stan Grof's basic perinatal matrices, fundamental archetypal patterns of the death and rebirth process and how they may show up in our lives.


    A key part of any integration work is the ability to be able to connect and share story with others. We will use a number of Gestalt and Holotropic informed practices that allow participants to not only open to deep transformational energy but be able to share those patterns with other members of the group. Deep listening and sharing of personal story is a crucial way in which to build connection, intimacy and relationship.


    This is an opportunity to experience a truncated version of our Holotropic Breathwork weekend workshops. The breathwork component of these sessions follow the same format and philosophy of our Holotropic Breathwork workshops but in a condensed format. Each participant will experience being both a breather and a sitter during each session of the series.

    About Stan Grof and the Basic Perinatal Matrices

    Stan Grof is one of the pioneers of LSD research in the 1950's and 1960's. He discovered that through the experience of the non-ordinary state of consciousness, the participant was able to allow previously uncompleted psychic processes and material to come to a state of completion or integration. That through moving towards difficult emotional, psychological and spiritual material we could allow previously unprocessed experiences to be brought into awareness and gift the participant with wisdom gleaned from these previously disowned elements of their experience.

    The basic perinatal matrices follow the physical birthing process that we experience int he womb -

    • BPM 1: Oceanic universe / connection to the mother / toxic or difficult womb 
    • BPM 2: No exit, trapped and no escape
    • BPM 3: Death / transformation / escape
    • BPM 4: Rebirth



    Anthony Olsen

    Breathwork Facilitator

    Anthony Olsen is a Melbourne based psychotherapist and Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. He incorporates transpersonal perspectives within a relational model, offering both Holotropic breathwor...

    Cameron Barker

    Group facilitator

    Cameron is a Gestalt psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing practitioner. He specialises in working with the natural processes of the body to deal with the effects of trauma.



    85 Gillies St, Fairfield Australia, 3078

    85 Gillies St, Fairfield Australia, 3078


    Fairfield is 8km from Melbourne's city center.

    The venue is an easy two minute walk from Fairfield station and an approximate 40 minute car journey from Melbourne Tullamarine airport.


    Friday: There is usually ample parking near the church on the Friday night.

    Saturday:   All day parking for the Saturday can be found on Bastings St a few minutes from the church. See Map.